Rated: NR
Running Time: 83 minutes
Year: 2006
Boobs: Some side boob
One Sentence: Give these guys a movie deal!
The Reviewer is checking out another Independent movie, this time it is "Long Pigs." A horror/documentary/comedy that is just awesome all the way. I was a little worried going into it. It sounds like a lot to take on. A dark comedy documentary about a cannibal. If the story is cool the gore is going to be weak, and if the gore is good the story is going to be weak. It is rare that you get such a great combination of balance between everything when trying to take on something like this. Long Pigs, seems to have done it.
In what is a creepy yet funny look into the life and times of a modern day cannibal. Long Pigs makes me wonder now, as I am writing this and when I was watching it, if it was real, because it seemed so real. Especially the murder and gore scenes, which were just amazing. I am blown away at the direction and the skill of some of these shots, and the depiction of death and gore, which seemed so real, so exact that it makes me wonder how they did it. It wasn't sick twisted Hostel or Saw stuff, it was simple, real and perfect. So good that I am still in amazement of the skill of the execution of it.
However the death and murder isn't the only thing that is great. The lead actor, Anthony Alviano, who played Cannibal Anthony McAlistar seemed to keep the storyline and the character so real and believable that while, we are supposed to know this movie is fake and sort of something that the directors might be making a joke about, we have to go, again, is this real? The rest of the cast all made it work too, it just seemed so normal. No acting really, just people going about their lives. It really was one of the best small studio independents I have ever seen.
I do have to give a couple of small very minute negatives. The lighting was really bad. There was one scene, where I couldn't even see what was going on. Other scenes were poorly lit. I think this might have been part of the plan or might have been because lighting is expensive. Most of the time it's ok, a couple of times it was a bit distracting. Audio also wasn't 100% on. But these two things are so small compared to the quality of story, acting and gore, that I think this movie would do well with a studio backing it and a DVD release.
Long Pigs was an Official Selection at the Cinequest Film Festival, and is currently trying to get into more, so perhaps you will see it in a town near you. You can click on the image at the top to be taken to the website for the movie, where you can watch 2 trailers for the film, and get any updates and information. Hopefully you all will be able to see this one really soon.
Hey, I like this site. Good reviews, but the best past is the boobs review :))
Your site is full of ads. Have a look at my site and let me what all I can put there.
Are there too many ads you think? Or are you saying you want to put up an ad too? I can add you to my blogroll if you like.
Yea, I like the boobs review too, you gotta know if there are boobies in this movie! Right!
Dear Reviewer,
Many sincere thanks for your thoughtful review of Long Pigs - especially your kudos to our hard working actors (you can only imagine what Lucy the Prostitute played by Barbara Walsh went through as one example). The amazing FX by Chris Bridges and Tony Labatt absolutely blew our minds as well - you can just imagine watching the “anus” scene with an audience! We’re going to be hitting the horror festivals in September and October with a DVD release to follow, and we sincerely hope to visit Austin with our film and check out the vibrant film community you guys have fostered. Keep up the good work and thanks for spreadin’ the word.
Chris Power & Nathan Hynes
Awesome, thanks a lot for letting me see it. I hope that more people can see this movie in the future, any horror fans will totally be into this one. Even my gf who really doesn’t like horror was impressed and said it was quite good.
Good luck on more festivals and the DVD release.
I did think it was very well done, an interesting watch. Not so disgusting that I couldn’t watch it (except for in the above mentioned anus scene), but definitely a very creepy movie!
I thought the bad lighting & soudns just made it all the more real. I think with a studio backing it, they’d want to make it gory enough that I woudln’t be able to sit through it. =(
[…] Reviewer absolutely devoured the horror/comedy/mockumentary known as Long Pigs over at […]
Holy Sh*t! “Long Pigs” - a horror feature from Toronto’s Chris Power and Nathan Hynes - won “best feature” and Anthony Alviano took home the “best actor” award at Mockfest in L.A. yesterday! Okay, so it wasn’t a huge festival by anyone’s standards, but it was especially nice to see Anthony Alviano get singled out for his outstanding performance. Way to go dude, now get a computer! Thanks to any and all who helped us out so generously with the flick.
(Dammit, that was the speech we should have given instead of our unprepared mumbles…)
L.P. plays next in St.John’s on the longest day of the year, June 21st - which in Newfoundland means light till 10:30 - should be a blast!
Awesome congrats! I hope you keep on going with the good news! Good luck with more and more festivals!
Why isn’t this film getting an release on DVD? I’ve been waiting forever!
hey reviewer!!!
a couple things - Long Pigs is officially coming out June 8th 2010!!!
it’s been a long hard road but you can read the whole story here - along with our new trailer!
i’ve been trying to get this review up on imdb since it’s one of the first and my personal fav - any suggestions?
As far as IMDB, I don’t know, I am not linked in with them. I know that putting things up on there costs money last I heard, so that might be the thing that greases the wheel