Archive for September, 2008

Fantastic Fest Starts Today!

Well Fantastic Fest starts tonight for me at 7:30PM.  With Kevin Smith presenting Zach and Miri Make A Prono.  Then after that the long awaited Fanboys is at midnight.  It is a good nerd night for sure.  Fantastic Fest, if you do not know is the biggest Genre Film Festival in the country.  What that […]

The Reviewer was sick.

Hello everyone I have been in the hospital, with some amazing viral thing.  Pretty much the worse pain I have ever experienced.  I am still pretty laid up, so I am not sure when I am getting back into the saddle.  I am supposed to go see Nights in Rodanthe tonight, but I am not […]

Burn After Reading

Rated: R Running Time: 96 Minutes Year: 2008 Nudity: None One Sentence: Not the best ever, but still pretty great.  Such expectation for this one.  People are glowing after No Country For Old Men and everyone is hopeing and wondering if the Coen Brothers can pull off two amazing movies in a row.  With the […]

Lost Boys: The Tribe

  Rated: R Running Time: 93 Minutes Year: 2008 Nudity: 3 topless girls.  One Sentence: They left poor Corey Haim in the background.  The world was a buzz with the news of a new Lost Boys movie, starring both Corey's.  Internet blogs showed pics, found the scripts and found out all there was to know.  […]

Step Up 2: The Streets

Rated: PG-13  Running Time: 98 Minutes Year: 2008 Nudity: None One Sentence: No one stepped up in this movie.  In my life as a movie watcher and reviewer, there has really only been one goal.  To find and enjoy the passing of the torch from the best dance movie ever made to the new best […]

In Bruges

Rated: R Running Time: 107 Minutes Year: 2008 Nudity: None One Sentence: Not the light comedy romp the previews made it out to be.  The world around me was all a buzz about In Bruges, the preview was so-so, there was no word on the street proir to opening and I really wasn't that interested.  […]

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