Archive for January, 2015

American Sniper

One Sentence: This should have only been an action movie. Rated: R Nudity: None After Credits: None American Sniper was announced as one of the nominees for Best Picture this morning by The Academy Of Motion Picture and Sciences.  So I guess this review is going to disagree with them a little bit.  This does feel […]


One Sentence: A history lesson Rated: R Nudity: None After Credits: None This is a pretty easy review.  This movie is excellent.  David  Oyelowo is excellent.  That is all I really need to write. The movie is a perfectly timed story for those younger than I am, who were not alive when this event occurred.  I […]

Inherent Vice

One Sentence: I am not sure what is going on in this one. Rated: R Nudity: Yes After Credits: None Um…I am not sure what happened with this one.  There are all these flashy things, that are pulling in all these directions and it sounds exciting, and smart.  The kind of things that make you […]

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